Kidney cancer

The upper left dot plot(s) shows the consistency between the cancer type related cell lines and their corresponding TCGA disease cohort based on Spearman correlation and normalized enrichment score (NES). In the lower left is a list of the cell lines ranked according to their similarity to the cancer type. By clicking on a cell line in the dot plot or in the ranked list lollipop plots showing the activity of cancer-related pathways inferred using PROGENy and CytoSig cytokines for that particular cell line will be displayed. For more details about the analysis see Methods summary and information about all cell lines can be found here.

Kidney Chromophobe (KICH)

Explore the disease cohort in TCGA

Ranking Cell line Corr NES
1 CAL-54 0.76 1.48
2 SLR21 0.75 1.31
2 KMRC-3 0.75 1.3
4 KMRC-20 0.76 1.29
5 UO-31 0.76 1.14
5 TUHR14TKB 0.76 1.17
7 VMRC-RCZ 0.75 1.21
8 SNU-349 0.75 1.21
8 SNU-1272 0.75 1.19
10 RCC10RGB 0.74 1.24
11 ACHN 0.74 1.3
12 Caki-2 0.74 1.25
13 SLR24 0.74 1.21
14 VMRC-RCW 0.75 1.06
14 TUHR4TKB 0.75 1.02
14 TUHR10TKB 0.75 1.11
17 SK-RC-20 0.74 1.07
18 769-P 0.74 1.02
19 OS-RC-2 0.74 1.14
20 SLR26 0.74 1.04
21 A-704 0.71 1.16
22 A-498 0.74 0.96
22 Caki-1 0.74 0.93
24 SLR25 0.73 1.04
25 KMRC-2 0.74 0.99
25 SLR23 0.74 0.89
27 UOK101 0.74 0.79
28 BFTC-909 0.73 0.86
29 KMRC-1 0.73 0.88
30 786-O 0.73 0.74
31 G-402 0.7 0.77
Cell line CAL-54
Patient: Male, 75
Disease subtype: Renal Cell Carcinoma
Primary/metastasis: Metastasis
Sample collection site: Pleural effusion
Cellosaurus: CVCL_1111

Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (KIRC)

Explore the disease cohort in TCGA

Ranking Cell line Corr NES
1 TUHR4TKB 0.77 1.94
1 SLR21 0.76 2.01
3 KMRC-3 0.76 1.97
4 CAL-54 0.76 1.87
5 SNU-1272 0.76 1.92
6 TUHR14TKB 0.76 1.85
7 OS-RC-2 0.75 2.03
8 VMRC-RCZ 0.75 1.91
8 SLR24 0.75 1.99
8 KMRC-20 0.76 1.86
11 SNU-349 0.75 1.86
12 RCC10RGB 0.75 1.86
13 VMRC-RCW 0.76 1.73
14 TUHR10TKB 0.75 1.83
15 Caki-2 0.74 1.87
16 SLR26 0.75 1.78
17 KMRC-2 0.74 1.84
17 UO-31 0.76 1.38
19 SK-RC-20 0.75 1.56
19 A-498 0.75 1.72
21 SLR23 0.75 1.72
22 ACHN 0.74 1.8
23 769-P 0.74 1.61
24 A-704 0.73 1.84
25 Caki-1 0.74 1.56
26 UOK101 0.74 1.67
27 KMRC-1 0.73 1.38
28 786-O 0.73 1.42
29 SLR25 0.73 1.37
30 BFTC-909 0.73 1.14
31 G-402 0.68 1.09
Cell line TUHR4TKB
Patient: Male, 60
Disease subtype: Renal Cell Carcinoma
Primary/metastasis: Primary
Sample collection site: Kidney
Cellosaurus: CVCL_5957

Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma (KIRP)

Explore the disease cohort in TCGA

Ranking Cell line Corr NES
1 CAL-54 0.8 2.22
1 SLR21 0.79 2.23
3 TUHR14TKB 0.78 1.94
4 TUHR4TKB 0.78 1.9
4 KMRC-20 0.78 1.91
6 VMRC-RCZ 0.77 2.08
6 SNU-1272 0.77 1.96
6 SLR24 0.77 2.1
9 Caki-2 0.77 2.09
10 ACHN 0.77 2
11 KMRC-3 0.78 1.83
12 RCC10RGB 0.77 1.88
13 VMRC-RCW 0.77 1.83
14 UO-31 0.78 1.66
15 SLR23 0.77 1.84
16 SLR26 0.76 1.88
17 OS-RC-2 0.76 1.89
18 769-P 0.77 1.79
19 A-498 0.77 1.7
20 SK-RC-20 0.76 1.7
20 Caki-1 0.76 1.64
20 A-704 0.74 1.86
23 UOK101 0.76 1.79
24 KMRC-2 0.76 1.76
25 SNU-349 0.76 1.54
25 TUHR10TKB 0.76 1.49
27 KMRC-1 0.75 1.26
27 SLR25 0.74 1.37
29 786-O 0.74 1.38
30 BFTC-909 0.74 1.21
31 G-402 0.7 0.98
Cell line CAL-54
Patient: Male, 75
Disease subtype: Renal Cell Carcinoma
Primary/metastasis: Metastasis
Sample collection site: Pleural effusion
Cellosaurus: CVCL_1111