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CDCP1CUB domain containing protein 1
CDH20Cadherin 20
CDH23Cadherin related 23
CDH5Cadherin 5
CDK17Cyclin dependent kinase 17
CDKN1CCyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1C
CDKN2BCyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2B
CDO1Cysteine dioxygenase type 1
CEBPACCAAT enhancer binding protein alpha
CERCAMCerebral endothelial cell adhesion molecule
CES1Carboxylesterase 1
CES2Carboxylesterase 2
CHCHD10Coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 10
CHD5Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 5
CHKACholine kinase alpha
CHP1Calcineurin like EF-hand protein 1
CIDEACell death inducing DFFA like effector a
CIDECCell death inducing DFFA like effector c
CKAP4Cytoskeleton associated protein 4
CLDN5Claudin 5
CLEC14AC-type lectin domain containing 14A
CLMPCXADR like membrane protein
CLUHClustered mitochondria homolog
CMTM7CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 7
CNN1Calponin 1
CNTFRCiliary neurotrophic factor receptor
CNTN4Contactin 4
COA8Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 8
COL1A1Collagen type I alpha 1 chain
COL1A2Collagen type I alpha 2 chain
COL25A1Collagen type XXV alpha 1 chain
COL4A5Collagen type IV alpha 5 chain
COL4A6Collagen type IV alpha 6 chain
COL5A1Collagen type V alpha 1 chain
COL6A1Collagen type VI alpha 1 chain
COL6A2Collagen type VI alpha 2 chain
COL9A3Collagen type IX alpha 3 chain
COQ8ACoenzyme Q8A
COX14Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor COX14
COX5ACytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A
CPA3Carboxypeptidase A3
CPMCarboxypeptidase M
CR1Complement C3b/C4b receptor 1 (Knops blood group)
CRLS1Cardiolipin synthase 1
CRYABCrystallin alpha B
CSCitrate synthase
CSADCysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase
CSDC2Cold shock domain containing C2
CSPG4Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4
CSPG5Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 5
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