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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
PALLDPalladin, cytoskeletal associated protein
PARD6GPar-6 family cell polarity regulator gamma
PCDH10Protocadherin 10
PCDH20Protocadherin 20
PCDH7Protocadherin 7
PCP4L1Purkinje cell protein 4 like 1
PCSK1NProprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 inhibitor
PCSK2Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2
PCYT1BPhosphate cytidylyltransferase 1, choline, beta
PDE3APhosphodiesterase 3A
PDK3Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 3
PDLIM3PDZ and LIM domain 3
PDLIM5PDZ and LIM domain 5
PDZD4PDZ domain containing 4
PDZRN4PDZ domain containing ring finger 4
PGM5Phosphoglucomutase 5
PGPEP1LPyroglutamyl-peptidase I like
PHYHIPPhytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase interacting protein
PIP4K2CPhosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type 2 gamma
PKHD1L1PKHD1 like 1
PLCB4Phospholipase C beta 4
PLD5Phospholipase D family member 5
PNCKPregnancy up-regulated nonubiquitous CaM kinase
POF1BPOF1B actin binding protein
PPP1R12AProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A
PPP1R12BProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12B
PPP1R12CProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12C
PPP1R3CProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3C
PPP2R2BProtein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit Bbeta
PRDM16PR/SET domain 16
PRIMA1Proline rich membrane anchor 1
PRKAA2Protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 2
PRKG1Protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1
PROX1Prospero homeobox 1
PRUNE2Prune homolog 2 with BCH domain
PTCHD1Patched domain containing 1
PTGES3LProstaglandin E synthase 3 like
RAB9BRAB9B, member RAS oncogene family
RAMP1Receptor activity modifying protein 1
RASL12RAS like family 12
RBM24RNA binding motif protein 24
RCAN2Regulator of calcineurin 2
REEP1Receptor accessory protein 1
RERGRAS like estrogen regulated growth inhibitor
RGS7BPRegulator of G protein signaling 7 binding protein
RIMS3Regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 3
RND2Rho family GTPase 2
RNF180Ring finger protein 180
RPS6KA6Ribosomal protein S6 kinase A6
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