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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ISOC1Isochorismatase domain containing 1
ITFG2Integrin alpha FG-GAP repeat containing 2
ITGA9Integrin subunit alpha 9
JKAMPJNK1/MAPK8 associated membrane protein
KCTD18Potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 18
KCTD8Potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 8
KDF1Keratinocyte differentiation factor 1
KDM4ALysine demethylase 4A
KIF26BKinesin family member 26B
KLF15Kruppel like factor 15
KLHDC8BKelch domain containing 8B
KLHL12Kelch like family member 12
KLHL26Kelch like family member 26
KMT5ALysine methyltransferase 5A
KTN1Kinectin 1
LAMP1Lysosomal associated membrane protein 1
LAMP2Lysosomal associated membrane protein 2
LAPTM4BLysosomal protein transmembrane 4 beta
LDHBLactate dehydrogenase B
LGI3Leucine rich repeat LGI family member 3
LHPPPhospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase
LIN54Lin-54 DREAM MuvB core complex component
LMAN2LLectin, mannose binding 2 like
LMBR1Limb development membrane protein 1
LNP1Leukemia NUP98 fusion partner 1
LNX1Ligand of numb-protein X 1
LPCAT2Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2
LRRC2Leucine rich repeat containing 2
LRTOMTLeucine rich transmembrane and O-methyltransferase domain containing
MAGED2MAGE family member D2
MAGI2Membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 2
MAN1A2Mannosidase alpha class 1A member 2
MAOAMonoamine oxidase A
MAPK9Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9
MAPKAP1MAPK associated protein 1
MCM2Minichromosome maintenance complex component 2
MEA1Male-enhanced antigen 1
METTL21AMethyltransferase like 21A
MFSD6Major facilitator superfamily domain containing 6
MGST1Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1
MLF2Myeloid leukemia factor 2
MLH1MutL homolog 1
MLLT3MLLT3 super elongation complex subunit
MOAP1Modulator of apoptosis 1
MON1AMON1 homolog A, secretory trafficking associated
MORF4L1Mortality factor 4 like 1
MPPE1Metallophosphoesterase 1
MPPED2Metallophosphoesterase domain containing 2
MRFAP1Morf4 family associated protein 1
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