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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ACKR1Atypical chemokine receptor 1 (Duffy blood group)
ADAM15ADAM metallopeptidase domain 15
ADCY3Adenylate cyclase 3
ADCY4Adenylate cyclase 4
ADGRF5Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F5
ADGRG1Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G1
ADGRL4Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L4
ADM5Adrenomedullin 5 (putative)
ADRA2BAdrenoceptor alpha 2B
ADRB2Adrenoceptor beta 2
AFAP1L1Actin filament associated protein 1 like 1
AIF1LAllograft inflammatory factor 1 like
ANGPT2Angiopoietin 2
ANO2Anoctamin 2
ANXA2RAnnexin A2 receptor
APOL3Apolipoprotein L3
ARHGAP17Rho GTPase activating protein 17
ARHGAP29Rho GTPase activating protein 29
ARHGEF15Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 15
ASAP1ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1
ASB9Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 9
ASRGL1Asparaginase and isoaspartyl peptidase 1
BCL6BBCL6B transcription repressor
BMP6Bone morphogenetic protein 6
BMXBMX non-receptor tyrosine kinase
CALCRLCalcitonin receptor like receptor
CARHSP1Calcium regulated heat stable protein 1
CASP4Caspase 4
CBLBCbl proto-oncogene B
CBX2Chromobox 2
CCDC178Coiled-coil domain containing 178
CCL14C-C motif chemokine ligand 14
CCM2LCCM2 like scaffold protein
CD36CD36 molecule
CD93CD93 molecule
CDH5Cadherin 5
CFIComplement factor I
CHSY1Chondroitin sulfate synthase 1
CLDN5Claudin 5
CLEC14AC-type lectin domain containing 14A
CLSTN3Calsyntenin 3
CPNE8Copine 8
CSRP2Cysteine and glycine rich protein 2
CTTNBP2NLCTTNBP2 N-terminal like
CYYR1Cysteine and tyrosine rich 1
DDX41DEAD-box helicase 41
DEPP1DEPP1 autophagy regulator
DIPK2BDivergent protein kinase domain 2B
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