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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
C5orf46Chromosome 5 open reading frame 46
C5orf49Chromosome 5 open reading frame 49
C6orf118Chromosome 6 open reading frame 118
C6orf52Chromosome 6 open reading frame 52
C7orf57Chromosome 7 open reading frame 57
C9orf135Chromosome 9 open reading frame 135
CA1Carbonic anhydrase 1
CACNG6Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 6
CAPN11Calpain 11
CAPN9Calpain 9
CAPSLCalcyphosine like
CASP14Caspase 14
CATSPERDCation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit delta
CCDC113Coiled-coil domain containing 113
CCDC153Coiled-coil domain containing 153
CCDC201Coiled-coil domain containing 201
CCDC65Coiled-coil domain containing 65
CCDC78Coiled-coil domain containing 78
CCDC81Coiled-coil domain containing 81
CCKBRCholecystokinin B receptor
CCL20C-C motif chemokine ligand 20
CCL25C-C motif chemokine ligand 25
CCNA1Cyclin A1
CDH17Cadherin 17
CDHR2Cadherin related family member 2
CDHR4Cadherin related family member 4
CDK18Cyclin dependent kinase 18
CDX1Caudal type homeobox 1
CDX2Caudal type homeobox 2
CEACAM1CEA cell adhesion molecule 1
CEACAM5CEA cell adhesion molecule 5
CEACAM7CEA cell adhesion molecule 7
CELA2AChymotrypsin like elastase 2A
CELA3AChymotrypsin like elastase 3A
CELA3BChymotrypsin like elastase 3B
CES2Carboxylesterase 2
CES3Carboxylesterase 3
CFAP126Cilia and flagella associated protein 126
CFAP43Cilia and flagella associated protein 43
CFAP45Cilia and flagella associated protein 45
CFAP57Cilia and flagella associated protein 57
CFAP73Cilia and flagella associated protein 73
CFAP97D2CFAP97 domain containing 2
CFC1BCripto, FRL-1, cryptic family 1B
CHRNA2Cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 2 subunit
CIBAR2CBY1 interacting BAR domain containing 2
CIDEBCell death inducing DFFA like effector b
CLCA4Chloride channel accessory 4
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