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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
GSDMCGasdermin C
GSTM2Glutathione S-transferase mu 2
GTF2H4General transcription factor IIH subunit 4
H2AC18H2A clustered histone 18
H2BC12H2B clustered histone 12
H3C4H3 clustered histone 4
HCAR2Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2
HCAR3Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3
HLFHLF transcription factor, PAR bZIP family member
HOXA1Homeobox A1
HOXA2Homeobox A2
HOXA3Homeobox A3
HOXA4Homeobox A4
HOXA5Homeobox A5
HOXC4Homeobox C4
HSPA2Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 2
HTD2Hydroxyacyl-thioester dehydratase type 2
IFITM1Interferon induced transmembrane protein 1
IFNLR1Interferon lambda receptor 1
IL18Interleukin 18
IL1R2Interleukin 1 receptor type 2
IRF6Interferon regulatory factor 6
IRX4Iroquois homeobox 4
ITPRIPInositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor interacting protein
JAG1Jagged canonical Notch ligand 1
JMJD7Jumonji domain containing 7
JMJD7-PLA2G4BJMJD7-PLA2G4B readthrough
KCTD1Potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 1
KLF4Kruppel like factor 4
KLF5Kruppel like factor 5
KLHL21Kelch like family member 21
KLRG2Killer cell lectin like receptor G2
KREMEN2Kringle containing transmembrane protein 2
LAMC2Laminin subunit gamma 2
LARGE2LARGE xylosyl- and glucuronyltransferase 2
LGR6Leucine rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 6
LPAR6Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6
LTB4R2Leukotriene B4 receptor 2
MAFIPMAFF interacting protein (pseudogene)
MATR3Matrin 3
MEGF6Multiple EGF like domains 6
MFSD14AMajor facilitator superfamily domain containing 14A
MID1Midline 1
MOXD1Monooxygenase DBH like 1
MRM2Mitochondrial rRNA methyltransferase 2
MROH2AMaestro heat like repeat family member 2A
MRPL38Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L38
MSGN1Mesogenin 1
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