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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
BLVRBBiliverdin reductase B
BOLA2BolA family member 2
BRCA1BRCA1 DNA repair associated
C11orf98Chromosome 11 open reading frame 98
C21orf58Chromosome 21 open reading frame 58
CA2Carbonic anhydrase 2
CCDC15Coiled-coil domain containing 15
CCNA2Cyclin A2
CCNE2Cyclin E2
CCNFCyclin F
CDC20Cell division cycle 20
CDC25ACell division cycle 25A
CDC25CCell division cycle 25C
CDC45Cell division cycle 45
CDC6Cell division cycle 6
CDC7Cell division cycle 7
CDCA3Cell division cycle associated 3
CDCA4Cell division cycle associated 4
CDCA8Cell division cycle associated 8
CDK1Cyclin dependent kinase 1
CDK6Cyclin dependent kinase 6
CENPACentromere protein A
CENPECentromere protein E
CENPFCentromere protein F
CENPHCentromere protein H
CENPICentromere protein I
CENPKCentromere protein K
CENPMCentromere protein M
CENPNCentromere protein N
CHAC2ChaC glutathione specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2
CHAF1AChromatin assembly factor 1 subunit A
CHAF1BChromatin assembly factor 1 subunit B
CHEK1Checkpoint kinase 1
CHTF18Chromosome transmission fidelity factor 18
CHTF8Chromosome transmission fidelity factor 8
CIP2ACellular inhibitor of PP2A
CKAP2Cytoskeleton associated protein 2
CMPK2Cytidine/uridine monophosphate kinase 2
CNRIP1Cannabinoid receptor interacting protein 1
CPOXCoproporphyrinogen oxidase
CR1Complement C3b/C4b receptor 1 (Knops blood group)
CYTL1Cytokine like 1
DCKDeoxycytidine kinase
DCLRE1BDNA cross-link repair 1B
DDIASDNA damage induced apoptosis suppressor
DEPDC1DEP domain containing 1
DEPDC1BDEP domain containing 1B
DHFRDihydrofolate reductase
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