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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
DEFB121Defensin beta 121
TSHBThyroid stimulating hormone subunit beta
CXorf51BChromosome X open reading frame 51B
AVPArginine vasopressin
LELP1Late cornified envelope like proline rich 1
TPD52L3TPD52 like 3
TNP1Transition protein 1
ACTL9Actin like 9
ACTRT2Actin related protein T2
ACTL7BActin like 7B
PRM1Protamine 1
CETN1Centrin 1
PRM2Protamine 2
HMGB4High mobility group box 4
ACTL7AActin like 7A
C20orf144Chromosome 20 open reading frame 144
AKAP4A-kinase anchoring protein 4
PRR30Proline rich 30
SMCPSperm mitochondria associated cysteine rich protein
BOD1L2Biorientation of chromosomes in cell division 1 like 2
TEX44Testis expressed 44
ZNRF4Zinc and ring finger 4
CYP11B1Cytochrome P450 family 11 subfamily B member 1
TPH2Tryptophan hydroxylase 2
LYZL2Lysozyme like 2
C16orf82Chromosome 16 open reading frame 82
TEX37Testis expressed 37
IRGCImmunity related GTPase cinema
TMCO2Transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 2
PDHA2Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 subunit alpha 2
SPATA16Spermatogenesis associated 16
ODF1Outer dense fiber of sperm tails 1
ADAD1Adenosine deaminase domain containing 1
SPEM2SPEM family member 2
SCP2D1SCP2 sterol binding domain containing 1
SPEM3SPEM family member 3
BPIFA3BPI fold containing family A member 3
PGK2Phosphoglycerate kinase 2
DNAJB8DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B8
KIF2BKinesin family member 2B
IQCF5IQ motif containing F5
C3orf22Chromosome 3 open reading frame 22
FNDC8Fibronectin type III domain containing 8
SUN5Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 5
TEX33Testis expressed 33
CBY2Chibby family member 2
WFDC10AWAP four-disulfide core domain 10A
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