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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
SPATA3Spermatogenesis associated 3
C17orf64Chromosome 17 open reading frame 64
C8orf74Chromosome 8 open reading frame 74
TEX55Testis expressed 55
MS4A5Membrane spanning 4-domains A5
TMEM225Transmembrane protein 225
PPP3R2Protein phosphatase 3 regulatory subunit B, beta
C10orf62Chromosome 10 open reading frame 62
C10orf120Chromosome 10 open reading frame 120
FAM71E2Family with sequence similarity 71 member E2
PRKACGProtein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit gamma
C11orf94Chromosome 11 open reading frame 94
GTSF1LGametocyte specific factor 1 like
TMCO5ATransmembrane and coiled-coil domains 5A
FSCN3Fascin actin-bundling protein 3
ODF4Outer dense fiber of sperm tails 4
OR2H1Olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily H member 1
NT5C1B-RDH14NT5C1B-RDH14 readthrough
SUN3Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 3
CXorf51AChromosome X open reading frame 51A
PPP1R2BPPP1R2 family member B
TRIML1Tripartite motif family like 1
CSNKA2IPCasein kinase 2 subunit alpha' interacting protein
TMEM202Transmembrane protein 202
CCDC83Coiled-coil domain containing 83
TMEM239Transmembrane protein 239
IQCF3IQ motif containing F3
SPANXN5SPANX family member N5
PRSS54Serine protease 54
SPACA7Sperm acrosome associated 7
SPANXDSPANX family member D
TEX13ATestis expressed 13A
GOLGA6L1Golgin A6 family like 1
FAM71AFamily with sequence similarity 71 member A
TSGA13Testis specific 13
DDX4DEAD-box helicase 4
FATE1Fetal and adult testis expressed 1
TSSK6Testis specific serine kinase 6
TXNDC8Thioredoxin domain containing 8
CCDC182Coiled-coil domain containing 182
RNASE3Ribonuclease A family member 3
SAXO1Stabilizer of axonemal microtubules 1
CATSPERZCatsper channel auxiliary subunit zeta
FAM47BFamily with sequence similarity 47 member B
GRM4Glutamate metabotropic receptor 4
MS4A3Membrane spanning 4-domains A3
PSMB11Proteasome subunit beta 11
ACSBG2Acyl-CoA synthetase bubblegum family member 2
IQCF2IQ motif containing F2
BPIBactericidal permeability increasing protein
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