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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
CLUL1Clusterin like 1
RD3LRetinal degeneration 3 like
GUCY2DGuanylate cyclase 2D, retinal
SV2BSynaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2B
RP1RP1 axonemal microtubule associated
ANO2Anoctamin 2
LRIT3Leucine rich repeat, Ig-like and transmembrane domains 3
MAKMale germ cell associated kinase
LRIT2Leucine rich repeat, Ig-like and transmembrane domains 2
UNC119Unc-119 lipid binding chaperone
PCAREPhotoreceptor cilium actin regulator
ROM1Retinal outer segment membrane protein 1
SNCBSynuclein beta
CNGB1Cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit beta 1
PACSIN1Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 1
PRCDPhotoreceptor disc component
KCNJ14Potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 14
NXNL1Nucleoredoxin like 1
SRRM4Serine/arginine repetitive matrix 4
KCNK12Potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 12
OTX2Orthodenticle homeobox 2
OVCH2Ovochymase 2
MMP21Matrix metallopeptidase 21
TCF7Transcription factor 7
XKR7XK related 7
COL6A6Collagen type VI alpha 6 chain
FSTL5Follistatin like 5
HCN1Hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium channel 1
SHANK1SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 1
C19orf81Chromosome 19 open reading frame 81
SERINC4Serine incorporator 4
SYT1Synaptotagmin 1
ATP1B2ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 2
CNGA1Cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit alpha 1
DISP3Dispatched RND transporter family member 3
GNB1G protein subunit beta 1
CTSVCathepsin V
GRM2Glutamate metabotropic receptor 2
MAP2Microtubule associated protein 2
PDE6BPhosphodiesterase 6B
PSKH2Protein serine kinase H2
UNC13AUnc-13 homolog A
ANKRD33Ankyrin repeat domain 33
CABP4Calcium binding protein 4
CCDC177Coiled-coil domain containing 177
CDK5R2Cyclin dependent kinase 5 regulatory subunit 2
NEUROD1Neuronal differentiation 1
TMEM145Transmembrane protein 145
AC025287.4Novel protein similar to cytoplasmic polyadenylated homeobox like CPHXL
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