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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
SHDSrc homology 2 domain containing transforming protein D
TGM3Transglutaminase 3
UGT2B17UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B17
ARCActivity regulated cytoskeleton associated protein
EPS8L3EPS8 like 3
HMGCS23-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2
HNF4GHepatocyte nuclear factor 4 gamma
LRRC19Leucine rich repeat containing 19
MLXIPLMLX interacting protein like
PPP1R14DProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 14D
RAB3CRAB3C, member RAS oncogene family
RASA4BRAS p21 protein activator 4B
RPRMLReprimo like
SCG2Secretogranin II
SYT5Synaptotagmin 5
TM4SF5Transmembrane 4 L six family member 5
TMEM72Transmembrane protein 72
UGT2A3UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member A3
BNIP5BCL2 interacting protein 5
CCL15C-C motif chemokine ligand 15
CNIH2Cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 2
CYP2W1Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily W member 1
ERN2Endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 2
HEPACAM2HEPACAM family member 2
KCNJ11Potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 11
LMX1ALIM homeobox transcription factor 1 alpha
PCSK1Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1
PCSK1NProprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 inhibitor
PLA2G10Phospholipase A2 group X
RAB3BRAB3B, member RAS oncogene family
SLC18A1Solute carrier family 18 member A1
SLC5A8Solute carrier family 5 member 8
A1CFAPOBEC1 complementation factor
AC008397.1Novel protein
AMER3APC membrane recruitment protein 3
ANKS4BAnkyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B
BAIAP2L2BAR/IMD domain containing adaptor protein 2 like 2
C15orf48Chromosome 15 open reading frame 48
CASP5Caspase 5
CHGAChromogranin A
CLRN3Clarin 3
DNASE1L2Deoxyribonuclease 1 like 2
FAM3DFAM3 metabolism regulating signaling molecule D
GCNT1Glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 1
IGSF23Immunoglobulin superfamily member 23
KCNK3Potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 3
KRT20Keratin 20
LRRC53Leucine rich repeat containing 53
LY6G6F-LY6G6DLY6G6F-LY6G6D readthrough
NKX2-2NK2 homeobox 2
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