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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
BCL2L10BCL2 like 10
GNB5G protein subunit beta 5
MYO5CMyosin VC
MYO5AMyosin VA
ARPP19CAMP regulated phosphoprotein 19
FAM214AFamily with sequence similarity 214 member A
ONECUT1One cut homeobox 1
WDR72WD repeat domain 72
UNC13CUnc-13 homolog C
RSL24D1Ribosomal L24 domain containing 1
RAB27ARAB27A, member RAS oncogene family
PIGBOS1PIGB opposite strand 1
PIGBPhosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class B
CCPG1Cell cycle progression 1
C15orf65Chromosome 15 open reading frame 65
DNAAF4Dynein axonemal assembly factor 4
PYGO1Pygopus family PHD finger 1
NEDD4NEDD4 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
RFX7Regulatory factor X7
TEX9Testis expressed 9
MNS1Meiosis specific nuclear structural 1
ZNF280DZinc finger protein 280D
AC090517.4Zinc finger protein 280D
TCF12Transcription factor 12
CGNL1Cingulin like 1
MYZAPMyocardial zonula adherens protein
GCOM1GRINL1A complex locus 1
POLR2MRNA polymerase II subunit M
ALDH1A2Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A2
AQP9Aquaporin 9
LIPCLipase C, hepatic type
ADAM10ADAM metallopeptidase domain 10
MINDY2MINDY lysine 48 deubiquitinase 2
RNF111Ring finger protein 111
SLTMSAFB like transcription modulator
CCNB2Cyclin B2
MYO1EMyosin IE
LDHAL6BLactate dehydrogenase A like 6B
FAM81AFamily with sequence similarity 81 member A
GCNT3Glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 3, mucin type
GTF2A2General transcription factor IIA subunit 2
BNIP2BCL2 interacting protein 2
FOXB1Forkhead box B1
ANXA2Annexin A2
ICE2Interactor of little elongation complex ELL subunit 2
RORARAR related orphan receptor A
VPS13CVacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog C
C2CD4AC2 calcium dependent domain containing 4A
C2CD4BC2 calcium dependent domain containing 4B
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