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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
PLCXD1Phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C X domain containing 1
GTPBP6GTP binding protein 6 (putative)
PPP2R3BProtein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B''beta
SHOXShort stature homeobox
CRLF2Cytokine receptor like factor 2
CSF2RAColony stimulating factor 2 receptor subunit alpha
IL3RAInterleukin 3 receptor subunit alpha
SLC25A6Solute carrier family 25 member 6
ASMTLAcetylserotonin O-methyltransferase like
P2RY8P2Y receptor family member 8
AKAP17AA-kinase anchoring protein 17A
ASMTAcetylserotonin O-methyltransferase
DHRSXDehydrogenase/reductase X-linked
ZBED1Zinc finger BED-type containing 1
CD99CD99 molecule (Xg blood group)
XGXg glycoprotein (Xg blood group)
GYG2Glycogenin 2
ARSDArylsulfatase D
ARSLArylsulfatase L
ARSHArylsulfatase family member H
ARSFArylsulfatase F
MXRA5Matrix remodeling associated 5
PRKXProtein kinase X-linked
NLGN4XNeuroligin 4 X-linked
VCX3AVariable charge X-linked 3A
PUDPPseudouridine 5'-phosphatase
STSSteroid sulfatase
VCXVariable charge X-linked
PNPLA4Patatin like phospholipase domain containing 4
VCX2Variable charge X-linked 2
VCX3BVariable charge X-linked 3B
ANOS1Anosmin 1
FAM9AFamily with sequence similarity 9 member A
FAM9BFamily with sequence similarity 9 member B
TBL1XTransducin beta like 1 X-linked
GPR143G protein-coupled receptor 143
SHROOM2Shroom family member 2
CLDN34Claudin 34
WWC3WWC family member 3
CLCN4Chloride voltage-gated channel 4
MID1Midline 1
HCCSHolocytochrome c synthase
ARHGAP6Rho GTPase activating protein 6
AMELXAmelogenin X-linked
MSL3MSL complex subunit 3
FRMPD4FERM and PDZ domain containing 4
PRPS2Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 2
TLR7Toll like receptor 7
TLR8Toll like receptor 8
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