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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
AASSAminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase
ABCG2ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (Junior blood group)
AC010646.1Novel protein
ACKR2Atypical chemokine receptor 2
ACOX1Acyl-CoA oxidase 1
ACTA1Actin alpha 1, skeletal muscle
ACVR2BActivin A receptor type 2B
AKAP3A-kinase anchoring protein 3
AL354761.1Lipocalin 1-like
ALPIAlkaline phosphatase, intestinal
ANGPT4Angiopoietin 4
ANKRD6Ankyrin repeat domain 6
ANOS1Anosmin 1
AP002748.5Novel protein
APELAApelin receptor early endogenous ligand
APOA4Apolipoprotein A4
ARID3AAT-rich interaction domain 3A
ARID3BAT-rich interaction domain 3B
ATP6V1C2ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit C2
AURKCAurora kinase C
BAMBIBMP and activin membrane bound inhibitor
BANF2BANF family member 2
BHLHA9Basic helix-loop-helix family member a9
C13orf42Chromosome 13 open reading frame 42
C19orf81Chromosome 19 open reading frame 81
C19orf84Chromosome 19 open reading frame 84
C19orf85Chromosome 19 open reading frame 85
C1orf158Chromosome 1 open reading frame 158
C2orf80Chromosome 2 open reading frame 80
C9orf135Chromosome 9 open reading frame 135
CATIPCiliogenesis associated TTC17 interacting protein
CBSLCystathionine beta-synthase like
CCDC172Coiled-coil domain containing 172
CCKBRCholecystokinin B receptor
CCSAPCentriole, cilia and spindle associated protein
CDK7Cyclin dependent kinase 7
CELA1Chymotrypsin like elastase 1
CENPVCentromere protein V
CGB3Chorionic gonadotropin subunit beta 3
CLDN6Claudin 6
CLEC6AC-type lectin domain containing 6A
CMTM8CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8
CNOT10CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 10
COL2A1Collagen type II alpha 1 chain
COLQCollagen like tail subunit of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase
CRISP1Cysteine rich secretory protein 1
CRYBA1Crystallin beta A1
CSF2RAColony stimulating factor 2 receptor subunit alpha
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