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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
PCDHA5Protocadherin alpha 5
PCDHGA1Protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 1
PCNX2Pecanex 2
PIGNPhosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class N
POLR3GRNA polymerase III subunit G
PPIAL4GPeptidylprolyl isomerase A like 4G
PRKACBProtein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta
PRKCZProtein kinase C zeta
PSD3Pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 3
PTPDC1Protein tyrosine phosphatase domain containing 1
PURGPurine rich element binding protein G
RALYLRALY RNA binding protein like
RGPD8RANBP2 like and GRIP domain containing 8
RGS7Regulator of G protein signaling 7
RICTORRPTOR independent companion of MTOR complex 2
RPAP2RNA polymerase II associated protein 2
RTN4RReticulon 4 receptor
SCN2ASodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 2
SEZ6Seizure related 6 homolog
SH3GL2SH3 domain containing GRB2 like 2, endophilin A1
SLC35F3Solute carrier family 35 member F3
SLC6A7Solute carrier family 6 member 7
SLC8A2Solute carrier family 8 member A2
SLU7SLU7 homolog, splicing factor
SNAP25Synaptosome associated protein 25
SPHKAPSPHK1 interactor, AKAP domain containing
SPINK9Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 9
SRGAP3SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 3
ST8SIA5ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 5
TEDC1Tubulin epsilon and delta complex 1
TIGD1Tigger transposable element derived 1
TLL1Tolloid like 1
TMEM151BTransmembrane protein 151B
TMEM269Transmembrane protein 269
TNRC6BTrinucleotide repeat containing adaptor 6B
TNRC6CTrinucleotide repeat containing adaptor 6C
TRAPPC3LTrafficking protein particle complex 3 like
TRIM9Tripartite motif containing 9
USP33Ubiquitin specific peptidase 33
USP37Ubiquitin specific peptidase 37
USP49Ubiquitin specific peptidase 49
WDPCPWD repeat containing planar cell polarity effector
WSCD2WSC domain containing 2
ZDHHC17Zinc finger DHHC-type palmitoyltransferase 17
ZDHHC22Zinc finger DHHC-type palmitoyltransferase 22
ZFP90ZFP90 zinc finger protein
ZNF347Zinc finger protein 347
ZNF483Zinc finger protein 483
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