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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
CCL25C-C motif chemokine ligand 25
APOC2Apolipoprotein C2
CKMT2Creatine kinase, mitochondrial 2
COX6A2Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A2
PAQR6Progestin and adipoQ receptor family member 6
NFILZNFIL3 like basic leucine zipper
TRIM54Tripartite motif containing 54
BAALCBAALC binder of MAP3K1 and KLF4
NR1I2Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2
KIR2DL4Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, two Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 4
ZMAT4Zinc finger matrin-type 4
CDHR1Cadherin related family member 1
PDZK1PDZ domain containing 1
AC004223.3RAD51L3-RFFL readthrough
B4GALT6Beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 6
C12orf71Chromosome 12 open reading frame 71
CABLES1Cdk5 and Abl enzyme substrate 1
CNNM2Cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2
CSF2Colony stimulating factor 2
DLL1Delta like canonical Notch ligand 1
DNA2DNA replication helicase/nuclease 2
DNAI2Dynein axonemal intermediate chain 2
DNAI4Dynein axonemal intermediate chain 4
ERCC6LERCC excision repair 6 like, spindle assembly checkpoint helicase
EXOC1LExocyst complex component 1 like
FZD6Frizzled class receptor 6
HECTD2HECT domain E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
HOXA7Homeobox A7
LDB2LIM domain binding 2
LGALS9BGalectin 9B
LINGO2Leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 2
MAP3K21Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 21
MDC1Mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1
NCR1Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1
PEAK1Pseudopodium enriched atypical kinase 1
PRDM16PR/SET domain 16
PRRT2Proline rich transmembrane protein 2
PRTFDC1Phosphoribosyl transferase domain containing 1
SALL4Spalt like transcription factor 4
SAMD11Sterile alpha motif domain containing 11
SERPINE1Serpin family E member 1
SLIT3Slit guidance ligand 3
TEX52Testis expressed 52
TMEM200ATransmembrane protein 200A
TNFRSF11ATNF receptor superfamily member 11a
WNT11Wnt family member 11
ZNF324BZinc finger protein 324B
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