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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
PAWRPro-apoptotic WT1 regulator
PLEKHG1Pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G1
PLEKHG7Pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G7
PLPP3Phospholipid phosphatase 3
POF1BPOF1B actin binding protein
POU2AF1POU class 2 homeobox associating factor 1
PTPRKProtein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K
RALGPS2Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 2
RASGRP3RAS guanyl releasing protein 3
SDR16C5Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 16C member 5
SGCESarcoglycan epsilon
SLC38A11Solute carrier family 38 member 11
SNX22Sorting nexin 22
SOX5SRY-box transcription factor 5
STEAP1BSTEAP family member 1B
STK33Serine/threonine kinase 33
SYT17Synaptotagmin 17
TEAD2TEA domain transcription factor 2
TEX9Testis expressed 9
TNFRSF17TNF receptor superfamily member 17
TXNDC5Thioredoxin domain containing 5
UTS2BUrotensin 2B
VPREB3V-set pre-B cell surrogate light chain 3
WASF1WASP family member 1
ZNF860Zinc finger protein 860
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