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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
AL139260.3Novel protein
ALDH7A1Aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1
AMIGO3Adhesion molecule with Ig like domain 3
ANKRD53Ankyrin repeat domain 53
ANKRD65Ankyrin repeat domain 65
AXLAXL receptor tyrosine kinase
BCL7ABAF chromatin remodeling complex subunit BCL7A
C2orf88Chromosome 2 open reading frame 88
C5orf34Chromosome 5 open reading frame 34
CALCRLCalcitonin receptor like receptor
CCDC102BCoiled-coil domain containing 102B
CDC6Cell division cycle 6
CDH1Cadherin 1
CERS6Ceramide synthase 6
CLDN23Claudin 23
COBLL1Cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein like 1
CRIM1Cysteine rich transmembrane BMP regulator 1
CRYBG3Crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 3
CRYMCrystallin mu
CUEDC1CUE domain containing 1
DACH1Dachshund family transcription factor 1
DERL3Derlin 3
DNAJC12DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C12
DTX4Deltex E3 ubiquitin ligase 4
EGFL7EGF like domain multiple 7
EGLN3Egl-9 family hypoxia inducible factor 3
EPHB1EPH receptor B1
FAM81AFamily with sequence similarity 81 member A
FMNL3Formin like 3
FOXRED2FAD dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 2
GAL3ST4Galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 4
GAREM1GRB2 associated regulator of MAPK1 subtype 1
GAS6Growth arrest specific 6
GGTA1Glycoprotein alpha-galactosyltransferase 1 (inactive)
GPRC5CG protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member C
GUCY1A1Guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
HHATHedgehog acyltransferase
HID1HID1 domain containing
HS3ST1Heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 1
HTR3A5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A
IGHV1-69Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-69
IGLJ5Immunoglobulin lambda joining 5 (non-functional)
IQCDIQ motif containing D
IQSEC2IQ motif and Sec7 domain ArfGEF 2
ITGB4Integrin subunit beta 4
KANK1KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1
KCNK17Potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 17
KHDRBS2KH RNA binding domain containing, signal transduction associated 2
KLHL13Kelch like family member 13
KRT8Keratin 8
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