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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
MLC1Modulator of VRAC current 1
MLNRMotilin receptor
MMDMonocyte to macrophage differentiation associated
MMD2Monocyte to macrophage differentiation associated 2
MPDU1Mannose-P-dolichol utilization defect 1
MRGPRDMAS related GPR family member D
MRGPREMAS related GPR family member E
MRGPRFMAS related GPR family member F
MRGPRGMAS related GPR family member G
MRGPRX1MAS related GPR family member X1
MRGPRX2MAS related GPR family member X2
MRGPRX3MAS related GPR family member X3
MRGPRX4MAS related GPR family member X4
MT-CO3Mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase III
MT-ND1Mitochondrially encoded NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit 1
MTNR1AMelatonin receptor 1A
MTNR1BMelatonin receptor 1B
NIPA1NIPA magnesium transporter 1
NIPAL3NIPA like domain containing 3
NMBRNeuromedin B receptor
NMUR1Neuromedin U receptor 1
NMUR2Neuromedin U receptor 2
NOX1NADPH oxidase 1
NOX3NADPH oxidase 3
NOX4NADPH oxidase 4
NPBWR1Neuropeptides B and W receptor 1
NPBWR2Neuropeptides B and W receptor 2
NPFFR1Neuropeptide FF receptor 1
NPFFR2Neuropeptide FF receptor 2
NPSR1Neuropeptide S receptor 1
NPY1RNeuropeptide Y receptor Y1
NPY2RNeuropeptide Y receptor Y2
NPY4RNeuropeptide Y receptor Y4
NPY4R2Neuropeptide Y receptor Y4-2
NPY5RNeuropeptide Y receptor Y5
NTSR1Neurotensin receptor 1
NTSR2Neurotensin receptor 2
OPN1LWOpsin 1, long wave sensitive
OPN1MWOpsin 1, medium wave sensitive
OPN1MW2Opsin 1, medium wave sensitive 2
OPN1MW3Opsin 1, medium wave sensitive 3
OPN1SWOpsin 1, short wave sensitive
OPN3Opsin 3
OPN5Opsin 5
OPRD1Opioid receptor delta 1
OPRK1Opioid receptor kappa 1
OPRL1Opioid related nociceptin receptor 1
OPRM1Opioid receptor mu 1
OR10A2Olfactory receptor family 10 subfamily A member 2
OR10A3Olfactory receptor family 10 subfamily A member 3
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