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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
FAM210AFamily with sequence similarity 210 member A
FAM210BFamily with sequence similarity 210 member B
FAM234AFamily with sequence similarity 234 member A
FAM234BFamily with sequence similarity 234 member B
FAM241AFamily with sequence similarity 241 member A
FAM241BFamily with sequence similarity 241 member B
FAM24AFamily with sequence similarity 24 member A
FAM24BFamily with sequence similarity 24 member B
FAM3AFAM3 metabolism regulating signaling molecule A
FAM3BFAM3 metabolism regulating signaling molecule B
FAM3CFAM3 metabolism regulating signaling molecule C
FAM3DFAM3 metabolism regulating signaling molecule D
FAM76BFamily with sequence similarity 76 member B
FAM8A1Family with sequence similarity 8 member A1
FAM98BFamily with sequence similarity 98 member B
FAN1FANCD2 and FANCI associated nuclease 1
FAPFibroblast activation protein alpha
FAR1Fatty acyl-CoA reductase 1
FAR2Fatty acyl-CoA reductase 2
FASFas cell surface death receptor
FASLGFas ligand
FASNFatty acid synthase
FAT1FAT atypical cadherin 1
FAT2FAT atypical cadherin 2
FAT3FAT atypical cadherin 3
FAT4FAT atypical cadherin 4
FATE1Fetal and adult testis expressed 1
FBXL17F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 17
FBXW7F-box and WD repeat domain containing 7
FCAMRFc fragment of IgA and IgM receptor
FCARFc fragment of IgA receptor
FCER1AFc fragment of IgE receptor Ia
FCER1GFc fragment of IgE receptor Ig
FCER2Fc fragment of IgE receptor II
FCGR1AFc fragment of IgG receptor Ia
FCGR1BFc fragment of IgG receptor Ib
FCGR2AFc fragment of IgG receptor IIa
FCGR2BFc fragment of IgG receptor IIb
FCGR3AFc fragment of IgG receptor IIIa
FCGRTFc fragment of IgG receptor and transporter
FCMRFc fragment of IgM receptor
FCRL1Fc receptor like 1
FCRL3Fc receptor like 3
FCRL4Fc receptor like 4
FCRLAFc receptor like A
FDFT1Farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1
FDPSFarnesyl diphosphate synthase
FDXRFerredoxin reductase
FER1L6Fer-1 like family member 6
FFAR1Free fatty acid receptor 1
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