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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
KDM3BLysine demethylase 3B
KDM5ALysine demethylase 5A
KDM5BLysine demethylase 5B
KDM5CLysine demethylase 5C
KDM6ALysine demethylase 6A
KDM6BLysine demethylase 6B
KDSR3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase
KIDINS220Kinase D interacting substrate 220
KISS1RKISS1 receptor
KLK4Kallikrein related peptidase 4
KMT2ALysine methyltransferase 2A
KMT2BLysine methyltransferase 2B
KMT2CLysine methyltransferase 2C
KMT2DLysine methyltransferase 2D
KMT5BLysine methyltransferase 5B
KRASKRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
L2HGDHL-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase
LACC1Laccase domain containing 1
LAMP2Lysosomal associated membrane protein 2
LARS1Leucyl-tRNA synthetase 1
LARS2Leucyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial
LBRLamin B receptor
LCATLecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase
LDHDLactate dehydrogenase D
LFNGLFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
LGR4Leucine rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 4
LHFPL5LHFPL tetraspan subfamily member 5
LHFPL6LHFPL tetraspan subfamily member 6
LIASLipoic acid synthetase
LIG4DNA ligase 4
LIMK1LIM domain kinase 1
LINGO1Leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 1
LIPALipase A, lysosomal acid type
LIPCLipase C, hepatic type
LIPELipase E, hormone sensitive type
LIPT2Lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase 2
LMAN1Lectin, mannose binding 1
LMBRD1LMBR1 domain containing 1
LNPKLunapark, ER junction formation factor
LONP1Lon peptidase 1, mitochondrial
LOXLysyl oxidase
LOXL3Lysyl oxidase like 3
LPAR6Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6
LPIN1Lipin 1
LPIN2Lipin 2
LRATLecithin retinol acyltransferase
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