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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
SERPINI2Serpin family I member 2
SFRP1Secreted frizzled related protein 1
SFRP2Secreted frizzled related protein 2
SFRP4Secreted frizzled related protein 4
SFRP5Secreted frizzled related protein 5
SFTA2Surfactant associated 2
SFTPA1Surfactant protein A1
SFTPA2Surfactant protein A2
SFTPBSurfactant protein B
SFTPCSurfactant protein C
SFTPDSurfactant protein D
SHBGSex hormone binding globulin
SHESrc homology 2 domain containing E
SIGLEC6Sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 6
SIRPDSignal regulatory protein delta
SLAMF1Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 1
SLIT1Slit guidance ligand 1
SLIT2Slit guidance ligand 2
SLIT3Slit guidance ligand 3
SLITRK1SLIT and NTRK like family member 1
SLPISecretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor
SLURP1Secreted LY6/PLAUR domain containing 1
SLURP2Secreted LY6/PLAUR domain containing 2
SMIM20Small integral membrane protein 20
SMIM31Small integral membrane protein 31
SMOC1SPARC related modular calcium binding 1
SMOC2SPARC related modular calcium binding 2
SMPD1Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1
SMPDL3ASphingomyelin phosphodiesterase acid like 3A
SMPDL3BSphingomyelin phosphodiesterase acid like 3B
SMR3ASubmaxillary gland androgen regulated protein 3A
SMR3BSubmaxillary gland androgen regulated protein 3B
SNED1Sushi, nidogen and EGF like domains 1
SOD3Superoxide dismutase 3
SOGA1Suppressor of glucose, autophagy associated 1
SORL1Sortilin related receptor 1
SOSTDC1Sclerostin domain containing 1
SPACA3Sperm acrosome associated 3
SPACA5Sperm acrosome associated 5
SPACA5BSperm acrosome associated 5B
SPACA7Sperm acrosome associated 7
SPAG11ASperm associated antigen 11A
SPAG11BSperm associated antigen 11B
SPARCSecreted protein acidic and cysteine rich
SPATA20Spermatogenesis associated 20
SPESP1Sperm equatorial segment protein 1
SPINK1Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 1
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