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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ALPLAlkaline phosphatase, biomineralization associated
ALPPAlkaline phosphatase, placental
AMDHD2Amidohydrolase domain containing 2
AMFRAutocrine motility factor receptor
AMHR2Anti-Mullerian hormone receptor type 2
AMIGO1Adhesion molecule with Ig like domain 1
AMIGO2Adhesion molecule with Ig like domain 2
AMNAmnion associated transmembrane protein
AMN1Antagonist of mitotic exit network 1 homolog
ANAPC1Anaphase promoting complex subunit 1
ANAPC5Anaphase promoting complex subunit 5
ANK3Ankyrin 3
ANKARAnkyrin and armadillo repeat containing
ANKHANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator
ANKLE1Ankyrin repeat and LEM domain containing 1
ANKLE2Ankyrin repeat and LEM domain containing 2
ANKRD29Ankyrin repeat domain 29
ANKRD46Ankyrin repeat domain 46
ANKRD49Ankyrin repeat domain 49
ANKRD7Ankyrin repeat domain 7
ANKS1AAnkyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1A
ANKS1BAnkyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1B
ANKUB1Ankyrin repeat and ubiquitin domain containing 1
ANO1Anoctamin 1
ANO10Anoctamin 10
ANO2Anoctamin 2
ANO3Anoctamin 3
ANO4Anoctamin 4
ANO5Anoctamin 5
ANO6Anoctamin 6
ANO7Anoctamin 7
ANO8Anoctamin 8
ANO9Anoctamin 9
ANPEPAlanyl aminopeptidase, membrane
ANTXR1ANTXR cell adhesion molecule 1
ANXA2RAnnexin A2 receptor
ANXA6Annexin A6
ANXA8Annexin A8
ANXA8L1Annexin A8 like 1
AP000350.4Novel protein
AP000781.2Novel protein
AP000812.4Leucine rich transmembrane and O-methyltransferase domain containing
AP001781.2Novel protein
AP002748.5Novel protein
AP2M1Adaptor related protein complex 2 subunit mu 1
AP3S2Adaptor related protein complex 3 subunit sigma 2
AP5B1Adaptor related protein complex 5 subunit beta 1
AP5S1Adaptor related protein complex 5 subunit sigma 1
APAF1Apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1
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