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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
AC245033.1Novel protein
AL162231.1Uncharacterized LOC730098
AL645922.1Novel complement component 2 (C2) and complement factor B (CFB) protein
C19orf71Chromosome 19 open reading frame 71
CCDC102BCoiled-coil domain containing 102B
CD1CCD1c molecule
CD3ECD3e molecule
CEMIPCell migration inducing hyaluronidase 1
CES2Carboxylesterase 2
CFBComplement factor B
CLN6CLN6 transmembrane ER protein
COL25A1Collagen type XXV alpha 1 chain
COQ10ACoenzyme Q10A
CSADCysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase
CTSFCathepsin F
CYB5BCytochrome b5 type B
CYFIP2Cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 2
DGAT1Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1
DIAPH2Diaphanous related formin 2
DLC1DLC1 Rho GTPase activating protein
DLGAP3DLG associated protein 3
EI24EI24 autophagy associated transmembrane protein
EPHB1EPH receptor B1
FAUFAU ubiquitin like and ribosomal protein S30 fusion
FKBP8FKBP prolyl isomerase 8
FUT10Fucosyltransferase 10
GRAMD1BGRAM domain containing 1B
GVQW3GVQW motif containing 3
HSD3B1Hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 1
HSD3B2Hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 2
IL2RGInterleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma
ITGB1Integrin subunit beta 1
LARP1La ribonucleoprotein 1, translational regulator
LRRC25Leucine rich repeat containing 25
LTC4SLeukotriene C4 synthase
MARCHF1Membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 1
MATN3Matrilin 3
MESDMesoderm development LRP chaperone
PGGT1BProtein geranylgeranyltransferase type I subunit beta
PLCD4Phospholipase C delta 4
PLD3Phospholipase D family member 3
PLSCR2Phospholipid scramblase 2
POU2F1POU class 2 homeobox 1
PRKCDProtein kinase C delta
RBMX2RNA binding motif protein X-linked 2
REXO5RNA exonuclease 5
RPL10ARibosomal protein L10a
RPL13Ribosomal protein L13
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