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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ATP8B1ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B1
BMI1BMI1 proto-oncogene, polycomb ring finger
C9orf153Chromosome 9 open reading frame 153
CENPCCentromere protein C
CFLARCASP8 and FADD like apoptosis regulator
COMMD3-BMI1COMMD3-BMI1 readthrough
CRTC1CREB regulated transcription coactivator 1
DNMBPDynamin binding protein
DOK2Docking protein 2
DPY19L4Dpy-19 like 4
DSN1DSN1 component of MIS12 kinetochore complex
ELMOD2ELMO domain containing 2
EPB41Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1
FANCD2FA complementation group D2
GALNT17Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 17
GSDMAGasdermin A
H1-0H1.0 linker histone
HELBDNA helicase B
HIVEP1HIVEP zinc finger 1
INCENPInner centromere protein
INTS12Integrator complex subunit 12
INTS14Integrator complex subunit 14
KIF18BKinesin family member 18B
KLF11Kruppel like factor 11
LBX1Ladybird homeobox 1
LRRC9Leucine rich repeat containing 9
METTL3Methyltransferase like 3
MKI67Marker of proliferation Ki-67
MRPL44Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L44
MYH9Myosin heavy chain 9
NELFCDNegative elongation factor complex member C/D
NPHP4Nephrocystin 4
NT5C3A5'-nucleotidase, cytosolic IIIA
NUDT9Nudix hydrolase 9
PHPT1Phosphohistidine phosphatase 1
PKN2Protein kinase N2
PLEKHH2Pleckstrin homology, MyTH4 and FERM domain containing H2
PRPF40BPre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog B
PRR19Proline rich 19
PRR23AProline rich 23A
PRR23BProline rich 23B
PRR23CProline rich 23C
PTK6Protein tyrosine kinase 6
RANBP17RAN binding protein 17
RNF169Ring finger protein 169
RPL4Ribosomal protein L4
S100A14S100 calcium binding protein A14
SCHIP1Schwannomin interacting protein 1
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