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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ALX3ALX homeobox 3
BCAMBasal cell adhesion molecule (Lutheran blood group)
CFAP97Cilia and flagella associated protein 97
CILK1Ciliogenesis associated kinase 1
DCAF10DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 10
DQX1DEAQ-box RNA dependent ATPase 1
DZANK1Double zinc ribbon and ankyrin repeat domains 1
EIF4E3Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 3
FADS3Fatty acid desaturase 3
FAM71E1Family with sequence similarity 71 member E1
FGF14Fibroblast growth factor 14
FOXL2NBFOXL2 neighbor
GGT5Gamma-glutamyltransferase 5
INO80CINO80 complex subunit C
KDM5DLysine demethylase 5D
LENG9Leukocyte receptor cluster member 9
LRRC47Leucine rich repeat containing 47
LSM7LSM7 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated
MSH5MutS homolog 5
NKD1NKD inhibitor of WNT signaling pathway 1
NOLC1Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1
NOP56NOP56 ribonucleoprotein
OGDHLOxoglutarate dehydrogenase L
OPLAH5-oxoprolinase, ATP-hydrolysing
POLR1HRNA polymerase I subunit H
POLR2KRNA polymerase II, I and III subunit K
RIMKLARibosomal modification protein rimK like family member A
SOWAHBSosondowah ankyrin repeat domain family member B
SUPT20HSPT20 homolog, SAGA complex component
TBX20T-box transcription factor 20
TCOF1Treacle ribosome biogenesis factor 1
TMEM143Transmembrane protein 143
TMEM31Transmembrane protein 31
TMEM50BTransmembrane protein 50B
TMEM79Transmembrane protein 79
TPPP3Tubulin polymerization promoting protein family member 3
TTF1Transcription termination factor 1
UBTFUpstream binding transcription factor
URB1URB1 ribosome biogenesis homolog
UTP4UTP4 small subunit processome component
VENTXVENT homeobox
YY1AP1YY1 associated protein 1
ZNF385BZinc finger protein 385B
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