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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ANKFN1Ankyrin repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1
ANO4Anoctamin 4
BPIFA1BPI fold containing family A member 1
CA10Carbonic anhydrase 10
CHST6Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 6
CRCT1Cysteine rich C-terminal 1
CYP27C1Cytochrome P450 family 27 subfamily C member 1
EVX2Even-skipped homeobox 2
FAM25AFamily with sequence similarity 25 member A
FGF14Fibroblast growth factor 14
FOXL2Forkhead box L2
GLYATL2Glycine-N-acyltransferase like 2
GPR22G protein-coupled receptor 22
H2BU1H2B.U histone 1
HOXA13Homeobox A13
IGKV6D-41Immunoglobulin kappa variable 6D-41 (non-functional)
KRT6BKeratin 6B
KRT6CKeratin 6C
LCE3DLate cornified envelope 3D
LCE3ELate cornified envelope 3E
MAS1LMAS1 proto-oncogene like, G protein-coupled receptor
MUC21Mucin 21, cell surface associated
MYOCOSMyocilin opposite strand
PINX1PIN2 (TERF1) interacting telomerase inhibitor 1
PLEKHG7Pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G7
PLK5Polo like kinase 5 (inactive)
RNF225Ring finger protein 225
SDK2Sidekick cell adhesion molecule 2
SERPINB12Serpin family B member 12
SERPINB13Serpin family B member 13
SLC46A2Solute carrier family 46 member 2
SMCO3Single-pass membrane protein with coiled-coil domains 3
SPINK6Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 6
SPINK7Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 7
TMEM211Transmembrane protein 211
TRAJ26T cell receptor alpha joining 26
VSIG10LV-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like
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