The core T-cell enriched transcriptome

A T-cell, or T lymphocyte, is a type of white blood cell that plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity. They mature in the thymus and can be distinguished from other lymphocytes, by the presence of a T-cell receptor on the cell surface. There are several subsets of T-cells, such as cytotoxic T-cells, regulatory T-cells, helper T-cells and natural killer T-cells, with functions related to both innate and adaptive immunity.

In this section we detail the predicted core T-cell transcriptome, highlighting genes classified as having predicted specificity in T-cells in multiple tissue types. Such genes could be useful general markers for T-cells across tissue beds, and are likely critical for T-cell specific functions. These genes are sub-divided into 3 categories, based on the number of tissues in which they were independently classified as T-cell enriched.

T-cells were profiled in 13 of the tissues featured in the Tissue Cell section.

  • 26 genes predicted as enriched in t-cells in 75-100 % tissues
  • 58 genes predicted as enriched in t-cells in 50-75 % tissues
  • 107 genes predicted as enriched in t-cells in 25-50 % tissues

Protein expression of genes enriched in T-cells across tissue types

An example of a protein with enriched expression in T-cells across multiple tissue types is RAS Protein Activator Like 3 (RASAL3), which is implicated as a negative regulator of the Ras signaling pathway, which is linked to the control of cellular proliferation, differentiation and survival.
RASAL3 - Liver

RASAL3 - Breast

RASAL3 - Prostate


Another example of a protein with enriched expression in T-cells across multiple tissue types is TBC1 Domain Family Member 10C (TBC1D10C), which is also thought to be a negative regulator of the Ras signaling pathway.
TBC1D10C - Liver

TBC1D10C - Prostate


T-cell surface antigen (CD2) is a characteristic marker of T-cells that mediates interactions with antigen presenting cells, and has enriched expression in T-cells in almost all tissues.
CD2 - liver

CD2 - pancreas

CD2 - lung


Genes with predicted specificity in T-cells in individual tissues

A summary table of all genes with predicted high enrichment in t-cells in profiled tissues is provided below. Identified genes are subdivided into 3 categories in each tissue, based on the difference between the enrichment score in t-cells, compared to the other cell types profiled (see Methods Summary page for details):

  • Predicted specificity: ´Very high´ - Differential score vs. other profiled cell types within the tissue >0.35
  • Predicted specificity: ´High´ - Differential score vs. other profiled cell types within the tissue >0.25
  • Predicted specificity: ´Moderate´ - Differential score vs. other profiled cell types within the tissue >0.15

Table 1: Genes predicted to be enriched in t-cells by tissue type

Very high
Total enriched
Adipose subcutaneous 10 71 80 161
Adipose visceral 18 100 132 250
Breast 13 70 125 208
Colon 2 28 78 108
Heart muscle 6 27 42 75
Kidney 0 7 105 112
Liver 1 18 54 73
Lung 6 29 54 89
Pancreas 0 7 31 38
Prostate 0 32 150 182
Skin 3 13 42 58
Stomach 0 0 23 23
Thyroid 35 119 196 350