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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ACAP1ArfGAP with coiled-coil, ankyrin repeat and PH domains 1
APOBEC3HApolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3H
CARD11Caspase recruitment domain family member 11
CARMIL2Capping protein regulator and myosin 1 linker 2
CCL4C-C motif chemokine ligand 4
CD40LGCD40 ligand
CD48CD48 molecule
CD7CD7 molecule
CTSWCathepsin W
CXCR3C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 3
CXCR4C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4
DEF6DEF6 guanine nucleotide exchange factor
FASLGFas ligand
GFI1Growth factor independent 1 transcriptional repressor
GPR174G protein-coupled receptor 174
GZMHGranzyme H
GZMKGranzyme K
GZMMGranzyme M
ICOSInducible T cell costimulator
IL2RBInterleukin 2 receptor subunit beta
IL2RGInterleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma
ITGB7Integrin subunit beta 7
JAMLJunction adhesion molecule like
KLRB1Killer cell lectin like receptor B1
KLRC4Killer cell lectin like receptor C4
LY9Lymphocyte antigen 9
NKG7Natural killer cell granule protein 7
NLRC3NLR family CARD domain containing 3
P2RY10P2Y receptor family member 10
PATL2PAT1 homolog 2
PDCD1Programmed cell death 1
PRF1Perforin 1
PTPN7Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 7
RASAL3RAS protein activator like 3
RASGRP1RAS guanyl releasing protein 1
RUNX3RUNX family transcription factor 3
SAMD3Sterile alpha motif domain containing 3
SCML4Scm polycomb group protein like 4
SEPTIN1Septin 1
SH2D1ASH2 domain containing 1A
SIRPGSignal regulatory protein gamma
SLA2Src like adaptor 2
SLFN12LSchlafen family member 12 like
SP140SP140 nuclear body protein
SYTL1Synaptotagmin like 1
TAGAPT cell activation RhoGTPase activating protein
TBC1D10CTBC1 domain family member 10C
TIGITT cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domains
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