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NATD1N-acetyltransferase domain containing 1
NDNNecdin, MAGE family member
NDUFC2NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C2
NDUFS1NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S1
NDUFV3NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit V3
NFU1NFU1 iron-sulfur cluster scaffold
NKAPLNFKB activating protein like
NQO2N-ribosyldihydronicotinamide:quinone reductase 2
OLFM2Olfactomedin 2
PCK2Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2, mitochondrial
PEDS1Plasmanylethanolamine desaturase 1
PEMTPhosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
PGA5Pepsinogen A5
PKDCCProtein kinase domain containing, cytoplasmic
PLOD2Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2
POLR2ERNA polymerase II, I and III subunit E
POLR2LRNA polymerase II, I and III subunit L
PORCytochrome p450 oxidoreductase
PPARGPeroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma
PRR5Proline rich 5
PTENPhosphatase and tensin homolog
PTH1RParathyroid hormone 1 receptor
PTPRGProtein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type G
PTPRSProtein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type S
PYGLGlycogen phosphorylase L
RAB2ARAB2A, member RAS oncogene family
RETREG1Reticulophagy regulator 1
RHOBTB3Rho related BTB domain containing 3
RMDN3Regulator of microtubule dynamics 3
RNF41Ring finger protein 41
ROCK2Rho associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 2
SAA2Serum amyloid A2
SAMM50SAMM50 sorting and assembly machinery component
SAR1ASecretion associated Ras related GTPase 1A
SCDStearoyl-CoA desaturase
SCO1Synthesis of cytochrome C oxidase 1
SEPTIN11Septin 11
SH3KBP1SH3 domain containing kinase binding protein 1
SLC16A7Solute carrier family 16 member 7
SLC1A3Solute carrier family 1 member 3
SLC22A18ASSolute carrier family 22 member 18 antisense
SORBS1Sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1
SPATA9Spermatogenesis associated 9
SPRY4Sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 4
ST6GALNAC6ST6 N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 6
STK39Serine/threonine kinase 39
TALDO1Transaldolase 1
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