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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
IFITM1Interferon induced transmembrane protein 1
IFNAR2Interferon alpha and beta receptor subunit 2
IGF1Insulin like growth factor 1
IKBIPIKBKB interacting protein
IL27RAInterleukin 27 receptor subunit alpha
IL3RAInterleukin 3 receptor subunit alpha
INHBBInhibin subunit beta B
JAG2Jagged canonical Notch ligand 2
KANK3KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 3
KDRKinase insert domain receptor
LDB2LIM domain binding 2
LHX6LIM homeobox 6
LITAFLipopolysaccharide induced TNF factor
LMCD1LIM and cysteine rich domains 1
LMO2LIM domain only 2
LRRC32Leucine rich repeat containing 32
LRRC8CLeucine rich repeat containing 8 VRAC subunit C
MAPK11Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11
MAPK12Mitogen-activated protein kinase 12
MCF2LMCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence like
MCTP1Multiple C2 and transmembrane domain containing 1
MEOX1Mesenchyme homeobox 1
MLKLMixed lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase
MMRN2Multimerin 2
MPZL2Myelin protein zero like 2
MRTFBMyocardin related transcription factor B
MYCT1MYC target 1
MYO1BMyosin IB
NDRG1N-myc downstream regulated 1
NECTIN2Nectin cell adhesion molecule 2
NOD1Nucleotide binding oligomerization domain containing 1
NOS3Nitric oxide synthase 3
NOSTRINNitric oxide synthase trafficking
NOTCH4Notch receptor 4
NOVA2NOVA alternative splicing regulator 2
NUAK1NUAK family kinase 1
NUDCD1NudC domain containing 1
OSTF1Osteoclast stimulating factor 1
PDE4BPhosphodiesterase 4B
PDIA5Protein disulfide isomerase family A member 5
PEAR1Platelet endothelial aggregation receptor 1
PECAM1Platelet and endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1
PGS1Phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase 1
PIK3R3Phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 3
PITPNC1Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein cytoplasmic 1
PKN3Protein kinase N3
PLEKHG1Pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G1
PLVAPPlasmalemma vesicle associated protein
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