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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
NLRX1NLR family member X1
OXCT13-oxoacid CoA-transferase 1
PARVAParvin alpha
PCSK7Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 7
PDHBPyruvate dehydrogenase E1 subunit beta
PDLIM3PDZ and LIM domain 3
PFDN1Prefoldin subunit 1
PFN1Profilin 1
PGAM1Phosphoglycerate mutase 1
PLA2G5Phospholipase A2 group V
PPP1R12AProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A
PPP1R12BProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12B
PPP1R14AProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 14A
PPP2R1AProtein phosphatase 2 scaffold subunit Aalpha
PRDX3Peroxiredoxin 3
PRSS23Serine protease 23
PTGES3LProstaglandin E synthase 3 like
PTGFRNProstaglandin F2 receptor inhibitor
PYGBGlycogen phosphorylase B
PYGMGlycogen phosphorylase, muscle associated
RAB9BRAB9B, member RAS oncogene family
RBBP7RB binding protein 7, chromatin remodeling factor
RBPMS2RNA binding protein, mRNA processing factor 2
RMDN1Regulator of microtubule dynamics 1
RNF216Ring finger protein 216
RSU1Ras suppressor protein 1
SCRG1Stimulator of chondrogenesis 1
SDC3Syndecan 3
SEC23ASec23 homolog A, COPII coat complex component
SEPTIN7Septin 7
SEPTIN9Septin 9
SH3BGRLSH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like
SLC16A1Solute carrier family 16 member 1
SLC20A2Solute carrier family 20 member 2
SLC25A23Solute carrier family 25 member 23
SLC25A4Solute carrier family 25 member 4
SLC8A1Solute carrier family 8 member A1
SLC8A2Solute carrier family 8 member A2
SLMAPSarcolemma associated protein
SORBS1Sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1
SPOPSpeckle type BTB/POZ protein
SRFSerum response factor
SYNPO2Synaptopodin 2
TENT5BTerminal nucleotidyltransferase 5B
TESTestin LIM domain protein
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