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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ADAP2ArfGAP with dual PH domains 2
ADORA3Adenosine A3 receptor
AIF1Allograft inflammatory factor 1
ALOX5APArachidonate 5-lipoxygenase activating protein
APBB1IPAmyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 1 interacting protein
ARL11ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 11
ATP6V1B2ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit B2
C1orf162Chromosome 1 open reading frame 162
C1QAComplement C1q A chain
C1QBComplement C1q B chain
C1QCComplement C1q C chain
C3AR1Complement C3a receptor 1
CCR1C-C motif chemokine receptor 1
CD14CD14 molecule
CD163CD163 molecule
CD300CCD300c molecule
CD33CD33 molecule
CD68CD68 molecule
CD86CD86 molecule
CEACAM4CEA cell adhesion molecule 4
CLEC4EC-type lectin domain family 4 member E
CLEC5AC-type lectin domain containing 5A
CR1Complement C3b/C4b receptor 1 (Knops blood group)
CSF1RColony stimulating factor 1 receptor
CYBBCytochrome b-245 beta chain
DIO3Iodothyronine deiodinase 3
EBI3Epstein-Barr virus induced 3
F13A1Coagulation factor XIII A chain
FCER1GFc fragment of IgE receptor Ig
FCGR1AFc fragment of IgG receptor Ia
FCGR1BFc fragment of IgG receptor Ib
FCGR2AFc fragment of IgG receptor IIa
FCGR3AFc fragment of IgG receptor IIIa
FGD2FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 2
FLT3Fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 3
FPR1Formyl peptide receptor 1
FPR3Formyl peptide receptor 3
GPR34G protein-coupled receptor 34
GPR82G protein-coupled receptor 82
HAVCR2Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2
HCKHCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
HCLS1Hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1
HK3Hexokinase 3
HMOX1Heme oxygenase 1
IL1R2Interleukin 1 receptor type 2
ITGB2Integrin subunit beta 2
KCNE1Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E regulatory subunit 1
LAIR1Leukocyte associated immunoglobulin like receptor 1
LAPTM5Lysosomal protein transmembrane 5
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