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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
MPP4Membrane palmitoylated protein 4
MPP7Membrane palmitoylated protein 7
MPSTMercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase
MROH7Maestro heat like repeat family member 7
MROH9Maestro heat like repeat family member 9
MRPL14Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L14
MRPL36Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L36
MRPL51Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L51
MRPS21Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S21
MRPS24Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S24
MS4A14Membrane spanning 4-domains A14
MS4A18Membrane spanning 4-domains A18
MS4A5Membrane spanning 4-domains A5
MS4A6EMembrane spanning 4-domains A6E
MSANTD1Myb/SANT DNA binding domain containing 1
MSI1Musashi RNA binding protein 1
MSMBMicroseminoprotein beta
MSRAMethionine sulfoxide reductase A
MST1RMacrophage stimulating 1 receptor
MSTO1Misato mitochondrial distribution and morphology regulator 1
MTFR1Mitochondrial fission regulator 1
MTPAPMitochondrial poly(A) polymerase
MTX1Metaxin 1
MUC1Mucin 1, cell surface associated
MUC12Mucin 12, cell surface associated
MUC16Mucin 16, cell surface associated
MUC19Mucin 19, oligomeric
MUC4Mucin 4, cell surface associated
MVKMevalonate kinase
MYBPC1Myosin binding protein C1
MYBPC3Myosin binding protein C3
MYCBPAPMYCBP associated protein
MYEOVMyeloma overexpressed
MYG1MYG1 exonuclease
MYH7BMyosin heavy chain 7B
MYO15AMyosin XVA
MYOCOSMyocilin opposite strand
NAA38N-alpha-acetyltransferase 38, NatC auxiliary subunit
NAA80N-alpha-acetyltransferase 80, NatH catalytic subunit
NABP2Nucleic acid binding protein 2
NAGKN-acetylglucosamine kinase
NAPSANapsin A aspartic peptidase
NBR1NBR1 autophagy cargo receptor
NCBP2LNuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 like
NCR3LG1Natural killer cell cytotoxicity receptor 3 ligand 1
NDNFNeuron derived neurotrophic factor
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