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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
MMP26Matrix metallopeptidase 26
MRGPRX3MAS related GPR family member X3
MS4A10Membrane spanning 4-domains A10
MS4A12Membrane spanning 4-domains A12
MSMBMicroseminoprotein beta
MUC17Mucin 17, cell surface associated
MUC2Mucin 2, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming
MUC5ACMucin 5AC, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming
MUC7Mucin 7, secreted
MUCL3Mucin like 3
MYO1AMyosin IA
NAALADL1N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase like 1
NEFHNeurofilament heavy
NKX3-1NK3 homeobox 1
NPYNeuropeptide Y
ODAMOdontogenic, ameloblast associated
OR51C1POlfactory receptor family 51 subfamily C member 1 pseudogene
OTOP2Otopetrin 2
OXTROxytocin receptor
P2RY4Pyrimidinergic receptor P2Y4
PAEPProgestagen associated endometrial protein
PATE1Prostate and testis expressed 1
PATE4Prostate and testis expressed 4
PDE11APhosphodiesterase 11A
PGA3Pepsinogen A3
PGA5Pepsinogen A5
PNLIPPancreatic lipase
PNLIPRP1Pancreatic lipase related protein 1
POTEGPOTE ankyrin domain family member G
POTEHPOTE ankyrin domain family member H
POTEIPOTE ankyrin domain family member I
POTEMPOTE ankyrin domain family member M
PRAP1Proline rich acidic protein 1
PRB1Proline rich protein BstNI subfamily 1
PRB2Proline rich protein BstNI subfamily 2
PRB3Proline rich protein BstNI subfamily 3
PRB4Proline rich protein BstNI subfamily 4
PRH1Proline rich protein HaeIII subfamily 1
PRH2Proline rich protein HaeIII subfamily 2
PRR27Proline rich 27
PRR4Proline rich 4
PSAPL1Prosaposin like 1
PTF1APancreas associated transcription factor 1a
RBP2Retinol binding protein 2
RBPJLRecombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region like
RDH11Retinol dehydrogenase 11
REG1ARegenerating family member 1 alpha
REG1BRegenerating family member 1 beta
RETNLBResistin like beta
RLN1Relaxin 1
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