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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
CLPSL2Colipase like 2
PERM1PPARGC1 and ESRR induced regulator, muscle 1
AZU1Azurocidin 1
ADIPOQAdiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing
BPIFB2BPI fold containing family B member 2
ANKRD30AAnkyrin repeat domain 30A
PRKCGProtein kinase C gamma
HOXC13Homeobox C13
CAPN11Calpain 11
OXTROxytocin receptor
ELOVL3ELOVL fatty acid elongase 3
PYDC1Pyrin domain containing 1
CXCL13C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 13
POU3F1POU class 3 homeobox 1
PPM1NProtein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1N (putative)
TPM2Tropomyosin 2
ARCActivity regulated cytoskeleton associated protein
CITED1Cbp/p300 interacting transactivator with Glu/Asp rich carboxy-terminal domain 1
KLK5Kallikrein related peptidase 5
CALML5Calmodulin like 5
ICAM5Intercellular adhesion molecule 5
IL22RA2Interleukin 22 receptor subunit alpha 2
NPPCNatriuretic peptide C
SCGB2A2Secretoglobin family 2A member 2
SOX10SRY-box transcription factor 10
SPINK8Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 8 (putative)
ULBP1UL16 binding protein 1
VSIG10L2V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like 2
CCL28C-C motif chemokine ligand 28
CRYGNCrystallin gamma N
ELF5E74 like ETS transcription factor 5
FBXO32F-box protein 32
HCAR1Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1
KRT9Keratin 9
RASL10ARAS like family 10 member A
SOX11SRY-box transcription factor 11
SYT12Synaptotagmin 12
ARHGAP40Rho GTPase activating protein 40
COL2A1Collagen type II alpha 1 chain
MATN1Matrilin 1
MUCL1Mucin like 1
NEUROG2Neurogenin 2
OBP2AOdorant binding protein 2A
SNORCSecondary ossification center associated regulator of chondrocyte maturation
STC2Stanniocalcin 2
AARDAlanine and arginine rich domain containing protein
AC008397.2Novel protein
ACTA2Actin alpha 2, smooth muscle
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