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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
AC004076.1Novel transcript
AC007325.2Proline dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial
AC007998.2Novel protein
AEBP1AE binding protein 1
AIREAutoimmune regulator
ALX1ALX homeobox 1
AOPEPAminopeptidase O (putative)
APCDD1APC down-regulated 1
APODApolipoprotein D
APOEApolipoprotein E
ARGFXArginine-fifty homeobox
ARSIArylsulfatase family member I
ASB11Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 11
ATP5MF-PTCD1ATP5MF-PTCD1 readthrough
ATP6V0A4ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a4
BACE2Beta-secretase 2
BEAN1Brain expressed associated with NEDD4 1
BIRC7Baculoviral IAP repeat containing 7
C1orf198Chromosome 1 open reading frame 198
C3orf70Chromosome 3 open reading frame 70
C4orf48Chromosome 4 open reading frame 48
CA14Carbonic anhydrase 14
CADM3Cell adhesion molecule 3
CADM4Cell adhesion molecule 4
CALCBCalcitonin related polypeptide beta
CAPN3Calpain 3
CAVIN3Caveolae associated protein 3
CCER2Coiled-coil glutamate rich protein 2
CCL13C-C motif chemokine ligand 13
CCN3Cellular communication network factor 3
CD163L1CD163 molecule like 1
CD59CD59 molecule (CD59 blood group)
CDC42EP3CDC42 effector protein 3
CDH3Cadherin 3
CDK2Cyclin dependent kinase 2
CEP72Centrosomal protein 72
CHADLChondroadherin like
CHCHD6Coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 6
CHI3L2Chitinase 3 like 2
CLCN7Chloride voltage-gated channel 7
CLEC11AC-type lectin domain containing 11A
CLEC12BC-type lectin domain family 12 member B
CLEC2AC-type lectin domain family 2 member A
CMTM5CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 5
CNTFCiliary neurotrophic factor
COL23A1Collagen type XXIII alpha 1 chain
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