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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
MED21Mediator complex subunit 21
C12orf71Chromosome 12 open reading frame 71
STK38LSerine/threonine kinase 38 like
ARNTL2Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator like 2
SMCO2Single-pass membrane protein with coiled-coil domains 2
PPFIBP1PPFIA binding protein 1
REP15RAB15 effector protein
MRPS35Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S35
MANSC4MANSC domain containing 4
KLHL42Kelch like family member 42
PTHLHParathyroid hormone like hormone
CCDC91Coiled-coil domain containing 91
FAR2Fatty acyl-CoA reductase 2
ERGIC2ERGIC and golgi 2
OVCH1Ovochymase 1
TMTC1Transmembrane O-mannosyltransferase targeting cadherins 1
IPO8Importin 8
CAPRIN2Caprin family member 2
TSPAN11Tetraspanin 11
DDX11DEAD/H-box helicase 11
SINHCAFSIN3-HDAC complex associated factor
DENND5BDENN domain containing 5B
ETFBKMTElectron transfer flavoprotein subunit beta lysine methyltransferase
AMN1Antagonist of mitotic exit network 1 homolog
H3-5H3.5 histone
RESF1Retroelement silencing factor 1
BICD1BICD cargo adaptor 1
FGD4FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 4
DNM1LDynamin 1 like
YARS2Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 2
PKP2Plakophilin 2
SYT10Synaptotagmin 10
ALG10ALG10 alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase
ALG10BALG10 alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase B
CPNE8Copine 8
KIF21AKinesin family member 21A
ABCD2ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 2
C12orf40Chromosome 12 open reading frame 40
SLC2A13Solute carrier family 2 member 13
LRRK2Leucine rich repeat kinase 2
MUC19Mucin 19, oligomeric
CNTN1Contactin 1
PDZRN4PDZ domain containing ring finger 4
GXYLT1Glucoside xylosyltransferase 1
YAF2YY1 associated factor 2
PPHLN1Periphilin 1
ZCRB1Zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA binding motif containing 1
PRICKLE1Prickle planar cell polarity protein 1
ADAMTS20ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 20
PUS7LPseudouridine synthase 7 like
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