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OTPOrthopedia homeobox
OTULINOTU deubiquitinase with linear linkage specificity
OXCT13-oxoacid CoA-transferase 1
P4HA2Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 2
PAIP1Poly(A) binding protein interacting protein 1
PAIP2Poly(A) binding protein interacting protein 2
PAMPeptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase
PARP8Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 8
PCDH1Protocadherin 1
PCDHA1Protocadherin alpha 1
PCDHA4Protocadherin alpha 4
PCDHA6Protocadherin alpha 6
PCDHB10Protocadherin beta 10
PCDHB2Protocadherin beta 2
PCDHB3Protocadherin beta 3
PCDHB9Protocadherin beta 9
PCDHGB2Protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 2
PCDHGC3Protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 3
PCDHGC5Protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 5
PCYOX1LPrenylcysteine oxidase 1 like
PDCD6Programmed cell death 6
PDE4DPhosphodiesterase 4D
PDE6APhosphodiesterase 6A
PDE8BPhosphodiesterase 8B
PDGFRBPlatelet derived growth factor receptor beta
PDLIM4PDZ and LIM domain 4
PDLIM7PDZ and LIM domain 7
PDZD2PDZ domain containing 2
PELOPelota mRNA surveillance and ribosome rescue factor
PFDN1Prefoldin subunit 1
PGGT1BProtein geranylgeranyltransferase type I subunit beta
PHAXPhosphorylated adaptor for RNA export
PIK3R1Phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1
PJA2Praja ring finger ubiquitin ligase 2
PLK2Polo like kinase 2
PLPP1Phospholipid phosphatase 1
POC5POC5 centriolar protein
POLKDNA polymerase kappa
POLR3GRNA polymerase III subunit G
POU4F3POU class 4 homeobox 3
POU5F2POU domain class 5, transcription factor 2
PPARGC1BPPARG coactivator 1 beta
PPIP5K2Diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate kinase 2
PPP2CAProtein phosphatase 2 catalytic subunit alpha
PPP2R2BProtein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit Bbeta
PPWD1Peptidylprolyl isomerase domain and WD repeat containing 1
PRELID1PRELI domain containing 1
PRKAA1Protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 1
PROB1Proline rich basic protein 1
PROP1PROP paired-like homeobox 1
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