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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
POLMDNA polymerase mu
AEBP1AE binding protein 1
POLD2DNA polymerase delta 2, accessory subunit
MYL7Myosin light chain 7
YKT6YKT6 v-SNARE homolog
CAMK2BCalcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II beta
NUDCD3NudC domain containing 3
NPC1L1NPC1 like intracellular cholesterol transporter 1
DDX56DEAD-box helicase 56
TMED4Transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 4
OGDHOxoglutarate dehydrogenase
ZMIZ2Zinc finger MIZ-type containing 2
PPIAPeptidylprolyl isomerase A
H2AZ2H2A.Z variant histone 2
PURBPurine rich element binding protein B
MYO1GMyosin IG
CCM2CCM2 scaffold protein
NACADNAC alpha domain containing
TBRG4Transforming growth factor beta regulator 4
RAMP3Receptor activity modifying protein 3
ADCY1Adenylate cyclase 1
CCDC201Coiled-coil domain containing 201
IGFBP1Insulin like growth factor binding protein 1
IGFBP3Insulin like growth factor binding protein 3
TNS3Tensin 3
PKD1L1Polycystin 1 like 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting
HUS1HUS1 checkpoint clamp component
SUN3Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 3
C7orf57Chromosome 7 open reading frame 57
UPP1Uridine phosphorylase 1
ABCA13ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 13
CDC14CCell division cycle 14C
VWC2Von Willebrand factor C domain containing 2
ZPBPZona pellucida binding protein
SPATA48Spermatogenesis associated 48
IKZF1IKAROS family zinc finger 1
FIGNL1Fidgetin like 1
DDCDopa decarboxylase
GRB10Growth factor receptor bound protein 10
COBLCordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein
POM121L12POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin like 12
VSTM2AV-set and transmembrane domain containing 2A
SEC61GSEC61 translocon subunit gamma
EGFREpidermal growth factor receptor
LANCL2LanC like 2
VOPP1VOPP1 WW domain binding protein
SEPTIN14Septin 14
AC092647.5Novel zinc finger protein 713 (ZNF713) and mitochondrial ribosomal protein S17 (MRPS17) protein
ZNF713Zinc finger protein 713
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