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CLCN6Chloride voltage-gated channel 6
COG4Component of oligomeric golgi complex 4
CRKLCRK like proto-oncogene, adaptor protein
CSNK1G2Casein kinase 1 gamma 2
CTTNBP2Cortactin binding protein 2
CXCL9C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 9
CXorf38Chromosome X open reading frame 38
CYP2U1Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily U member 1
DAG1Dystroglycan 1
DDIASDNA damage induced apoptosis suppressor
DDX60LDExD/H-box 60 like
DELE1DAP3 binding cell death enhancer 1
DENND2BDENN domain containing 2B
DENND6BDENN domain containing 6B
DFFBDNA fragmentation factor subunit beta
DHTKD1Dehydrogenase E1 and transketolase domain containing 1
DICER1Dicer 1, ribonuclease III
DIP2BDisco interacting protein 2 homolog B
DMXL1Dmx like 1
DNAJC13DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C13
DNAJC14DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C14
DOCK3Dedicator of cytokinesis 3
DOCK8Dedicator of cytokinesis 8
DOK1Docking protein 1
DUSP3Dual specificity phosphatase 3
DYNC1LI1Dynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 1
DYRK4Dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 4
ECDEcdysoneless cell cycle regulator
EDN1Endothelin 1
EEA1Early endosome antigen 1
EFR3AEFR3 homolog A
EIF4ENIF1Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E nuclear import factor 1
ELMOD3ELMO domain containing 3
ELOVL3ELOVL fatty acid elongase 3
EPB41L3Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 3
EPM2AIP1EPM2A interacting protein 1
EPORErythropoietin receptor
ERRFI1ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1
EVI5LEcotropic viral integration site 5 like
EXOC1Exocyst complex component 1
FAM234AFamily with sequence similarity 234 member A
FAN1FANCD2 and FANCI associated nuclease 1
FBN2Fibrillin 2
FBXL6F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 6
FBXO4F-box protein 4
FGL2Fibrinogen like 2
FILIP1LFilamin A interacting protein 1 like
FKBP15FKBP prolyl isomerase 15
FNDC3AFibronectin type III domain containing 3A
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