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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
JMJD7-PLA2G4BJMJD7-PLA2G4B readthrough
KCNK7Potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 7
KDSR3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase
KLC3Kinesin light chain 3
KLF4Kruppel like factor 4
KLK7Kallikrein related peptidase 7
KREMEN2Kringle containing transmembrane protein 2
KRT12Keratin 12
KRT14Keratin 14
KRT17Keratin 17
KRT23Keratin 23
KRT32Keratin 32
KRT80Keratin 80
KRT84Keratin 84
KRTAP19-3Keratin associated protein 19-3
KRTAP5-8Keratin associated protein 5-8
LAMA3Laminin subunit alpha 3
LGALS7Galectin 7
LGALS7BGalectin 7B
LONRF1LON peptidase N-terminal domain and ring finger 1
LRIG3Leucine rich repeats and immunoglobulin like domains 3
LRRC15Leucine rich repeat containing 15
LYPD5LY6/PLAUR domain containing 5
LYPD6BLY6/PLAUR domain containing 6B
LYSMD4LysM domain containing 4
MEGF6Multiple EGF like domains 6
METRNLMeteorin like, glial cell differentiation regulator
MGME1Mitochondrial genome maintenance exonuclease 1
MINK1Misshapen like kinase 1
MMP27Matrix metallopeptidase 27
MPIG6BMegakaryocyte and platelet inhibitory receptor G6b
MRGPRX2MAS related GPR family member X2
MST1RMacrophage stimulating 1 receptor
MUCL1Mucin like 1
MXRA5Matrix remodeling associated 5
MYCMYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor
NBPF26NBPF member 26
NOTCH3Notch receptor 3
NR1D1Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1
NTF4Neurotrophin 4
PARD3Par-3 family cell polarity regulator
PARD6GPar-6 family cell polarity regulator gamma
PGLYRP3Peptidoglycan recognition protein 3
PGLYRP4Peptidoglycan recognition protein 4
PKP1Plakophilin 1
PLA2G2FPhospholipase A2 group IIF
PLA2G4DPhospholipase A2 group IVD
PLA2G4EPhospholipase A2 group IVE
PLA2G4FPhospholipase A2 group IVF
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