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CASTOR2Cytosolic arginine sensor for mTORC1 subunit 2
CCDC28BCoiled-coil domain containing 28B
CCSER2Coiled-coil serine rich protein 2
CD99L2CD99 molecule like 2
CDH15Cadherin 15
CDKN2AIPNLCDKN2A interacting protein N-terminal like
CEP68Centrosomal protein 68
CFAP61Cilia and flagella associated protein 61
CFL2Cofilin 2
CHAC1ChaC glutathione specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 1
CHTOPChromatin target of PRMT1
CIARTCircadian associated repressor of transcription
CIPCCLOCK interacting pacemaker
CLIP4CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein family member 4
CMSS1Cms1 ribosomal small subunit homolog
CNTFRCiliary neurotrophic factor receptor
COA8Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 8
COBLCordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein
COG4Component of oligomeric golgi complex 4
COPS6COP9 signalosome subunit 6
COPS8COP9 signalosome subunit 8
COX7BCytochrome c oxidase subunit 7B
CPSF4Cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 4
CTBP1C-terminal binding protein 1
CUEDC1CUE domain containing 1
CUEDC2CUE domain containing 2
CZIBCXXC motif containing zinc binding protein
DBPD-box binding PAR bZIP transcription factor
DCTN1Dynactin subunit 1
DCTN2Dynactin subunit 2
DDHD2DDHD domain containing 2
DIP2CDisco interacting protein 2 homolog C
DNAJB6DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B6
DOK5Docking protein 5
DUSP26Dual specificity phosphatase 26
DVL1Dishevelled segment polarity protein 1
E2F6E2F transcription factor 6
ECPASEcm29 proteasome adaptor and scaffold
EEF1A2Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 2
EEPD1Endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family domain containing 1
EGLN1Egl-9 family hypoxia inducible factor 1
EIF2B4Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit delta
EIF4A2Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A2
ELMOD3ELMO domain containing 3
ELP3Elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 3
ELP6Elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 6
EMC4ER membrane protein complex subunit 4
EN1Engrailed homeobox 1
ENDOGEndonuclease G
ENOX2Ecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 2
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