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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
BTG1BTG anti-proliferation factor 1
DUSP1Dual specificity phosphatase 1
DZIP1LDAZ interacting zinc finger protein 1 like
FOSFos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit
H2BC8H2B clustered histone 8
JUNJun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit
JUNBJunB proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit
LY6G5BLymphocyte antigen 6 family member G5B
MEGF6Multiple EGF like domains 6
MYCMYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor
SIK1Salt inducible kinase 1
SLC10A3Solute carrier family 10 member 3
USP36Ubiquitin specific peptidase 36
ZFP36ZFP36 ring finger protein
ZNF395Zinc finger protein 395
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