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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
AC008982.1Novel protein
BCL7BBAF chromatin remodeling complex subunit BCL7B
CACUL1CDK2 associated cullin domain 1
DMTNDematin actin binding protein
GFOD1Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1
IRS2Insulin receptor substrate 2
MAFGMAF bZIP transcription factor G
MED10Mediator complex subunit 10
NPRL3NPR3 like, GATOR1 complex subunit
PLEKHM2Pleckstrin homology and RUN domain containing M2
PTTG2Pituitary tumor-transforming 2
RBSNRabenosyn, RAB effector
SNCASynuclein alpha
SYNGR1Synaptogyrin 1
VPS18VPS18 core subunit of CORVET and HOPS complexes
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