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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
FASTKD2FAST kinase domains 2
FAT2FAT atypical cadherin 2
FAT4FAT atypical cadherin 4
FBLN1Fibulin 1
FBLN5Fibulin 5
FBN1Fibrillin 1
FBN2Fibrillin 2
FBP1Fructose-bisphosphatase 1
FBXL3F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 3
FBXL4F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 4
FBXO11F-box protein 11
FBXO31F-box protein 31
FBXO38F-box protein 38
FBXO7F-box protein 7
FBXW11F-box and WD repeat domain containing 11
FCGR2AFc fragment of IgG receptor IIa
FCGR2BFc fragment of IgG receptor IIb
FCGR3AFc fragment of IgG receptor IIIa
FCSKFucose kinase
FDPSFarnesyl diphosphate synthase
FDXRFerredoxin reductase
FERMT1Fermitin family member 1
FERMT3Fermitin family member 3
FEVFEV transcription factor, ETS family member
FEZF1FEZ family zinc finger 1
FFAR4Free fatty acid receptor 4
FGAFibrinogen alpha chain
FGBFibrinogen beta chain
FGD1FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 1
FGD4FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 4
FGF10Fibroblast growth factor 10
FGF12Fibroblast growth factor 12
FGF14Fibroblast growth factor 14
FGF17Fibroblast growth factor 17
FGF3Fibroblast growth factor 3
FGF9Fibroblast growth factor 9
FGFR1Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
FGFR2Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
FGFR3Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
FGFRL1Fibroblast growth factor receptor like 1
FGGFibrinogen gamma chain
FHFumarate hydratase
FHITFragile histidine triad diadenosine triphosphatase
FHL1Four and a half LIM domains 1
FIBPFGF1 intracellular binding protein
FIG4FIG4 phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase
FIGLAFolliculogenesis specific bHLH transcription factor
FKBP10FKBP prolyl isomerase 10
FKBP14FKBP prolyl isomerase 14
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