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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
ELANEElastase, neutrophil expressed
WFIKKN2WAP, follistatin/kazal, immunoglobulin, kunitz and netrin domain containing 2
KLHL33Kelch like family member 33
PLAC1Placenta enriched 1
C6Complement C6
IGFN1Immunoglobulin like and fibronectin type III domain containing 1
SLC51ASolute carrier family 51 subunit alpha
SPINK13Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 13
IGF2Insulin like growth factor 2
OPRK1Opioid receptor kappa 1
FHL2Four and a half LIM domains 2
HTR1A5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1A
KRT24Keratin 24
MAGEL2MAGE family member L2
PWWP3BPWWP domain containing 3B
AGRPAgouti related neuropeptide
CFHComplement factor H
HSPB2Heat shock protein family B (small) member 2
C1SComplement C1s
HOXD3Homeobox D3
INSYN2AInhibitory synaptic factor 2A
MYMXMyomixer, myoblast fusion factor
NPY2RNeuropeptide Y receptor Y2
PTCH2Patched 2
SEMA3DSemaphorin 3D
SLC16A12Solute carrier family 16 member 12
SLC16A8Solute carrier family 16 member 8
TACR2Tachykinin receptor 2
TCF23Transcription factor 23
ANGPTL5Angiopoietin like 5
APOEApolipoprotein E
DLK1Delta like non-canonical Notch ligand 1
EXOC3L1Exocyst complex component 3 like 1
GSTM5Glutathione S-transferase mu 5
TMEM64Transmembrane protein 64
ABCA10ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 10
ABCA8ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 8
ABCA9ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 9
ABI3BPABI family member 3 binding protein
ACADLAcyl-CoA dehydrogenase long chain
ACVR1CActivin A receptor type 1C
ADAM33ADAM metallopeptidase domain 33
ADAMTS12ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 12
ADAMTS3ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 3
ADAMTS5ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 5
ADCY3Adenylate cyclase 3
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