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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Metabolici
CFIComplement factor I
CFPComplement factor properdin
CIITAClass II major histocompatibility complex transactivator
CORO1ACoronin 1A
CR2Complement C3d receptor 2
CTLA4Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated protein 4
CTPS1CTP synthase 1
CXCR4C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4
CYBACytochrome b-245 alpha chain
CYBBCytochrome b-245 beta chain
DCLRE1CDNA cross-link repair 1C
DNMT3BDNA methyltransferase 3 beta
DOCK2Dedicator of cytokinesis 2
DOCK8Dedicator of cytokinesis 8
ELANEElastase, neutrophil expressed
FASFas cell surface death receptor
FASLGFas ligand
FCGR3AFc fragment of IgG receptor IIIa
FERMT3Fermitin family member 3
FOXN1Forkhead box N1
FOXP3Forkhead box P3
G6PC3Glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit 3
G6PDGlucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GFI1Growth factor independent 1 transcriptional repressor
HAX1HCLS1 associated protein X-1
HELLSHelicase, lymphoid specific
ICOSInducible T cell costimulator
IFNGR1Interferon gamma receptor 1
IFNGR2Interferon gamma receptor 2
IGLL1Immunoglobulin lambda like polypeptide 1
IKBKBInhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase subunit beta
IKBKGInhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase regulatory subunit gamma
IKZF1IKAROS family zinc finger 1
IL12BInterleukin 12B
IL12RB1Interleukin 12 receptor subunit beta 1
IL21Interleukin 21
IL2RAInterleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha
IL2RGInterleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma
IL6STInterleukin 6 signal transducer
IL7RInterleukin 7 receptor
IRAK4Interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 4
IRF2BP2Interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 2
IRF8Interferon regulatory factor 8
ISG15ISG15 ubiquitin like modifier
ITGB2Integrin subunit beta 2
ITKIL2 inducible T cell kinase
JAK3Janus kinase 3
LAMTOR2Late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 2
LCKLCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
LIG1DNA ligase 1
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