News Articles

Multiplex tissue image of the month - PRM1 in testis

News image of the month July 2024 PRM1 3.PNG

Histone-like protein Protamine 1 (gene: PRM1) is visualized in the late stage cell states of developing sperm in testis with multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF)...Read more

Multiplex tissue image of the month - DPEP proteins in kidney and testis

News image of the month July 2024 DPEP1 DPEP3 2.PNG

Two dipeptidase proteins with different tissue specificity are displayed through multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF)...Read more

Multiplex tissue image of the month - AQP3 in kidney

News image of the month June 2024 AQP3 2.JPG

The difference in spatial distributions of two aquaporin proteins in the cells of collecting ducts in the kidney is illuminated through multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF)...Read more

Multiplex tissue image of the month - CA6 in salivary gland

CA6 i MX salivary gland.png

The glandular expression pattern of salivary gland-specific protein carbonic anhydrase 6 (gene: CA6) is highlighted by multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF)...Read more

Multiplex tissue image of the month - SGO1 in testis

News image of the month april 2024 SGO1.JPG

Multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF) reveals nuclear expression of the protein Shugoshin 1 (gene: SGO1) in pachytene/diplotene spermatocytes - the early cell states of developing sperm cells...Read more